note: this page is not updated as frequently as my dblp page or Google Scholar
Justin Middleton, Kathryn T. Stolee, and Emerson Murphy-Hill. Data Analysts and Their Software Practices: A Profile of the Sabermetrics Community and Beyond. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (CSCW). 052:1-052:27 (2020) (doi).
Afsoon Afzal, Manish Motwani, Kathryn T. Stolee, Yuriy Brun and Claire Le Goues. SOSRepair: Ex-pressive Semantic Search for Real-World Program Repair. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE 2020). (doi).
Claire Le Goues, Ciera Jaspan, Ipek Ozkaya, Mary Shaw, and K. T. Stolee. Bridging the Gap: From Research to Practical Advice. IEEE Software. 35(5): 50-57 (2018). (doi)
K. T. Stolee, S. Elbaum, M. B. Dwyer, "Code search with input/output queries: Generalizing, ranking, and assessment", Journal of Systems and Software, Available online 9 May 2015, ISSN 0164-1212. (doi) (pdf).
- K. T. Stolee, S. Elbaum, and D. Dobos. 2014. "Solving the Search for Source Code". ACM Transactions on Software Engineering Methodologies (TOSEM) 23, 3, Article 26 (June 2014), 45 pages. (doi). (pdf)
- K. T. Stolee and S. Elbaum, "Identification, Impact, and Refactoring of Smells in Pipe-like Web Mashups," IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE). Submitted December 2013. Revised July 2013. Accepted August 2013. (doi) (pdf)
- K. T. Stolee, S. Elbaum, and A. Sarma, "Discovering How End-User Programmers and their Communities Use Public Repositories: a Study on Yahoo! Pipes," Information and Software Technology (IST), Volume 55, Issue 7, July 2013. pp.1289-1303. (doi) (pdf)
Conference (full)
Kai Presler-Marshall, Sarah Heckman, Kathryn T. Stolee. SQLRepair: Identifying and Repairing Mistakes in Student-Authored SQL Queries. ICSE 2021 JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training (ICSE JSEET). 2021. (doi)
- Gina R. Bai, Joshua Kayani, and K. T. Stolee.
"How Graduate Computing Students Search When Using an Unfamiliar Programming Language"
ICPC 2020 (pdf)
Peipei Wang, Chris Brown, Jamie A. Jennings, and K. T. Stolee.
"An Empirical Study on Regular Expression Bugs"
MSR 2020
George Mathew, Chris Parnin, and K. T. Stolee. "SLACC: Simion-based Language Agnostic Code Clones". ICSE 2020
Gina R. Bai, Brian Clee, Nischal Shrestha, Carl Chapman, Cimone Wright and K. T. Stolee. "Exploring Tools and Strategies Used During Regular Expression Composition Tasks". ICPC 2019
Di Chen, K. T. Stolee and Timothy Menzies. "Replication Can Improve Prior Results: A GitHub Study of Pull Request Acceptance".
ICPC 2019
Peipei Wang, Gina R. Bai, and K. T. Stolee. "Exploring Regular Expression Evolution". SANER 2019.
Peng Sun, Chris Brown, K. T. Stolee, and Ivan Beschastnikh. "Back to the future: specification mining using crowd intelligence". SANER 2019.
Peipei Wang and
K. T. Stolee, "How well are regular expressions tested in the wild?". FSE 2018. (doi)
Md Masudur Rahman, Jed Barson, Sydney Paul, Joshua Kayani,
Federico Andres Lois, Sebastian Fernandez Quezada,
Christopher Parnin, K. T. Stolee, Baishakhi Ray,
"Evaluating How Developers Use General-Purpose Web-Search for Code Retrieval". International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR), 2018. (doi)
- Carl Chapman, Peipei Wang, and K. T. Stolee. "Understandability Smells in Regular Expressions". International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 2017. (doi) (pdf)
- Carl Chapman and K. T. Stolee. "Exploring Regular Expression Usage and Context in Python". International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA), 2016. to appear. (preprint)
- Rafael Maiani de Mello, K. T. Stolee, and Guilherme Travassos. "Investigating Samples Representativeness for Online Experiments in Java Code Search". International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM), 2015. (pdf)
- Yalin Ke, K. T. Stolee, Claire Le Goues, and Yuriy Brun. "Repairing Programs with Semantic Code Search". International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 2015. (pdf)
- C. Sadowski, K. T. Stolee, and S. Elbaum. “How Developers Search for Code: A Case Study”. European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE), 2015. (pdf)
- K. T. Stolee, S. Elbaum, and A. Sarma, "End-User Programmers and their Communities: An Artifact-based Analysis," International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM), Banff, Canada, September 2011, pp.147-156. [Distinguished Paper Award] (pdf) (slides) (data)
- K. T. Stolee and S. Elbaum, "Refactoring Pipe-like Mashups for End-User Programmers," International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), Honolulu, Hawaii, May 2011, pp.81-90. (pdf) (slides)
- J. Jackson, C. Scaffidi, and K. T. Stolee, "Digging for diamonds: Identifying valuable
web automation programs in repositories," International Conference on Information Science and Applications (ICISA), Jeju Island, South Korea, April 2011. (pdf)
- K. T. Stolee and T. Fristoe, "Expressing Computer Science Concepts Through Kodu Game Lab," SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Dallas, TX, March 2011, pp.99-104. (pdf) (slides)
- K. T. Stolee, S. Elbaum, G. Rothermel, "Revealing the Copy and Paste Habits of End Users," IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC), Corvallis, OR, September 2009, pp.59-66. (pdf) (slides)
- A. Koesnandar, S. Elbaum, G. Rothermel, L. Hochstein, C. Scaffidi, and K. T. Stolee, "Using Assertions to Help End-User Programmers Create Dependable Web Macros," Proceedings of the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE), Atlanta, GA, November 2008, pp.124-134. (pdf)
Conference (short)
Susan Fisk, Kathryn T. Stolee, and Lina Battestilli. A Lightweight Intervention to Decrease Gender Bias in Student Evaluations of Teaching. Research on Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing and Technology (RESPECT), 2020. (doi).
Sarah Heckman, K. T. Stolee, and Christopher Parnin. "10+ Years of Teaching Software Engineering with iTrust: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly". International Conference on Software Engineering, Software Engineering Education and Training (ICSE SEET), 2018.
- Devarshi Singh, Varun Sekar, Brittany Johnson and K. T. Stolee. "Evaluating How Static Analysis Tools Can Reduce Code Reviewer Effort". IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC), Raleigh, NC, September 2017.
- David Shriver, Sebastian Elbaum, and K. T. Stolee. "At the End of Synthesis: Narrowing Program Candidates". International Conference on Software Engineering - New Ideas and Emerging Results (ICSE NIER). 2017.
- Felienne Hermans, K. T. Stolee, and David Hoepelman. "Smells in Block-Based Programming Languages". IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC). 2016. (pdf)
- K. T. Stolee and S. Elbaum, "On the Use of Input/Output Queries for Code Search," International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM), 2013. (pdf)
- K. T. Stolee and S. Elbaum, "Toward Semantic Search via SMT Solver," Proceedings of the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE NIER), Cary, North Carolina, November 2012. (pdf)
- K. T. Stolee, "Finding Suitable Programs: Semantic Search with Incomplete and Lightweight Specifications," Doctoral Symposium at the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE Doctoral Symposium), Zurich, Switzerland, June 2012, pp.1571-1574. (pdf) (slides) (poster)
- K. T. Stolee and S. Elbaum, "Exploring the Use of Crowdsourcing to Support Empirical Studies in Software Engineering," International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM), Bolzano, Italy, September 2010, pp.35:1-35:4 (pdf) (slides)
- Kai Presler-Marshall, Eric Horton, Sarah Heckman and Kathryn Stolee. "Wait Wait. No, Tell Me. Analyzing Selenium Configuration Effect on Test Flakiness". 14th IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Automation of Software Test
- Peng Sun and K. T. Stolee "Exploring Crowd Consistency in a Mechanical Turk Survey". Third International Workshop on Crowdsourcing in Software Engineering. 2016. (pdf)
- K. T. Stolee, J. Saylor, and T. Lund. "Exploring the Benefits of Using Redundant Responses in Crowdsourced Evaluations". Second International Workshop on Crowdsourcing in Software Engineering. 2015. (pdf)
Technical Reports, Thesis, etc.
K. T. Stolee, "Solving the Search for Source Code," August 2013, Doctoral Dissertation, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. (download)
- K. T. Stolee, S. Elbaum, and D. Dobos, "Solving Semantic Searches for Source Code," November 2012, Technical Report, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. (download)
- K. T. Stolee, "Finding Suitable Programs: Semantic Search with Incomplete and Lightweight Specifications," June 2012, Poster Presentation, ICSE Doctoral Symposium and SAT/SMT Summer School. (pdf)
K. T. Stolee, "Kodu Language and Grammar Specification," Microsoft Research whitepaper, September, 2010. (download)
K. T. Stolee, "Analysis and Transformation of Pipe-like Web Mashups for End User Programmers," June 2010, Masters' Thesis, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. (download)
K. T. Stolee, "Toward Richer Resources for End User Programmers," April 23, 2010, Poster Presentation, CRA-W Grad Cohort Workshop. (pdf)